Monday, August 29, 2016

Painting and other fun

Elijah and Colin

We have been studying The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe in Sunday School this summer.  We had Marcia come and help show the kids how to paint Aslan.

Elijah holding Jumpy!

Ezra took a few selfies!!

Jumpy finally got tired!


Meet Jumpy, our Roborovsky dwarf hamster.  It was Elijah's birthday present from us.  He runs on his wheel almost all day!

Elijah wanted a Mario themed party

How is he 7 years old??

During the party we went outside to play water was hot!

Saturday, August 13, 2016



This is Ezra's new favorite song. The lyrics:
Lord prepare me 
to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy
Tried and true
With thanksgiving
I'll be a living
sanctuary for you

Tuesday, August 2, 2016